My Heart

October 19, 2009 at 9:05am 
Mr. Shaq

This is the date and time that my heart forever changed.   As I held Mr. Shaq and told him how much I loved him, he offered me the greatest gift ever.  A piece of his heart, in return I offered him a piece of mine.  Thus, we are bound together for eternity.

While we no longer walk together side by side, we continue to walk together as one.

Much of my life is owed to Mr. Shaq and my dearly beloved Ms. Shasta.  Together they gave me the strength and courage to continue on when my life was in its darkest days.  When the eternal darkness seemed to be closing in.

After her work was done, Ms. Shasta went first to prepare the way.  Mr. Shaq was still needed and thus stayed with me for 2 more years until he was called to the bridge.  

I have loved every FurFriend who has come into my life over the years.  But there is only one who I share a heart with.

October 19, 2009 9:05am is a moment in time that changed my life, and will live with me forever.  

I love you dear friend.

Shaq Slayer of Moths

Shaq Slayer of Moths


Copyright © 2001 Ray Hebert

My house is free of moths thanks to the efforts of ShaqAsaurus Monster Dog, AKA Shaq the Moth Slayer.

Last night Shaq rid the house of all flying insects. He felt it was his duty to protect the property from airborne attack. He still lets me take care of the ground attack, ants,
roaches, etc… But if it is in the air it’s his duty to get it.

A moth made it through the outer perimeter and for an hour he fought this moth to exhaustion. First he chased it until it found a light. The he stood there for a couple of minutes and watched it. Gotta study your enemy, first rule from the art of war by Sun Tsu. So he studied. Saw that it could not stay near the light for a long period of time and would periodically leave the light and swoop down. So he waited and waited. Second rule from the Art of War, be patient let your enemy make the first move. And it paid off. The Moth came down. Shaq made a lunge at it, but it got a way. He pursued with vigor. He chased it, jumped a good 5 feet off the ground after it. But it got away and went back to the light.

Shaq was not deterred he watched and waited and finally it came down again, this time he got it. The Moth came down. Flapped on the floor. Shaq danced around it, poking it with his nose and pawing at it. Never barked at it. Then picked it up and brought it outside.

I sleep so much better at night knowing that he is ever vigilant against the great flying nemesis. He now has 3 of them and I think once he gets 10 confirmed downings he will be given the Ace status and accorded all honors. I.e. he will get a reward second to none.

Ray & Shaq