Shaq & Shasta Holidays
1/1/99Copyright © 2001 Ray Hebert
Howdy All,
Well another holiday season is almost over, and this is by far the best one yet. It was special because Shaq and I had Shasta to share it with. She has brought so much to our lives, that I really can't imagine how we got on without her for the past four years. In the past we would have slept late and lounged around the house. Now we get up early and get out and play.
When Shasta decides it is time to get up she lets everyone know that they should be up as well. She will walk over to where you are sleeping and first flop herself down on top of you then start licking any exposed flesh. This goes on until you relent and get up and let her and Shaq out for a morning romp in the yard.
I thought I would try something new. When I let them back in I closed the door to the bedroom so I could try to go back to sleep. Shaq took it well and went to lay out in the living room. Shasta on the other hand was deeply concerned for my safety and layed by the door sniffing away. She never scratched on it, which is good. So after a few minutes it became obvious that I could not get back to sleep with this sniffing going on so I let her in. She immediately planted herself on the bed. Shaq then came in and took his spot on the bed. Then the two of them decided to play. Shaq would nozzle Shasta with his nose and Shasta would get up and try to pin Shaq down. All this while I'm laying there under the covers trying to get back to sleep. After a while I just gave up and got out of bed and joined in the fun.
Shaq and Shasta got treats from the Three Dog Bakery in Kansas City. I had to go to KC on business, and was able to visit the bakery while there. A wonderful place full of great things for dogs. Shasta especially likes the cuisine and will do just about anything for a biscuit. Shasta is usually very head strong and will only lay down if it suits her, but when you have a treat in your hand she will lay down very quickly. Shaq on the other hand enjoys being asked to do something, and those of you who have seen him know that he is well behaved and listens.
I try to work with them each day. When it comes time to do a long stay, I will sit them on one side of the room and say STAY. Shaq will stay very still. Shasta will stay for a few seconds then while still sitting she will scoot a few inches forward, then stay still for a bit then move a little closer. I then have to go and re position her and say STAY again. Shaq looks at her with a look of "just sit still damn it or we will never get a treat". So after the third time she will stay still for the required five minutes. When you say come she comes full speed at you, stops and does a couple of spins then sits down. Before giving her a treat you have to say "gentle" a few times to calm her down so she does not take a finger off. She will then take the treat very well, with out saying that you are putting a digit in danger. Shaq on the other hand comes over sits patiently for you to offer the treat, at which time he takes it.
**Play time update. It is snowing outside right now, Shaq and Shasta are out playing tag. Shasta seems to have goaded Shaq into chasing her and she is having a grand time tearing around in the snow with Shaq right behind her. Shaq just tackled her and now he is running full speed away with Shasta in hot pursuit. Shaq has scaled the wall and there is now a stare down going on as Shasta trys to figure out which way Shaq is going to run.**
They got me a DVD player. Very thoughtful dogs, as I have several DVD movies and they were getting tired of me watching them only on the computer. This way we can all curl up in the living room or in bed and watch Pulp Fiction. Yea!!!!! They got Marla a bottle of Wine. Marla takes care of them when I have to do a quick overnight trip.
Over the holidays we went on several long hikes into the woods. Shaq and Shasta love to run and play while out. Shaq tends to pick his route thru the woods better than Shasta does. She tends to just plow straight thru what ever obstacle is in the way. Bushes, trees, undergrowth etc... Just ducks her head and plunges in. Shaq does more of a full boar run thur the woods while ducking and weaving his way thru obstacles. Lots of fun to watch each one. Shasta always comes home with a scraped up belly from all the bush whacking.
**I just got back from letting them in. I was immediately accosted with a demand for a snack. Shasta get so darn excited and jumps around and does spins and sits still sort of all at once. Shaq sort of herds you in the direction of the snacks if you try to get away. So being the softy that I am they got a snack.**
The snow is coming down very steady right now. It looks like after the wonderful December that we had that winter is finally here. Glad to have it to, as it is easier to keep the house clean when the kids are not tracking mud into the house. As much as I wipe their feet you can never get it all off. With a nice covering of snow all you get is a little water on the floor, which is much easier to deal with.
Well that is it for now. I hope you and your families had as joyful a holiday season as we did.
Ray & Shaq & Shasta
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