Trick & Treat
11/1/97Copyright © 2001 Ray Hebert
Howdy All,
Today was Shaq's first real Halloween. He has been thru three, but this was the first one where we lived in a neighborhood where kids came out and participated.
Shaq wanted to participate as well, so he put on a pair of devil horns and his white bow tie. Sort of the Black Devil at a social function look. Very dashing I must admit.
Shaq is one of the most polite and well mannered dogs you will ever find. When I got home I put the goodies in a big bag and put them by the door. Shaq went over and checked to see what was in the bag then came over to let me know that the contents were to his satisfaction. He is never one to give away anything but the best.
For those of you who don't know Shaq well, you can put a hamburger at nose level and walk away and he won't touch it until you say OK. Then he will devour it in one gulp.
We had a Reggae tribute album to the Grateful Dead playing on the stereo so the mood was good. Shaq is a true Rasta dog. He has the laid back Rasta walk going when the music is playing. And of course being a Black Lab he has the rhythm thing built in.
The first group came over about 6. There were three children. Shaq was all excited when the door bell rang. He helped me to greet the kids. All of them said trick or treat and was given an adequate supply of stuff. Shaq was fascinated by this. He gave me the "why are you giving
away our food" look. About 5 minutes later the next group arrived. And the same thing happened.
By this time Shaq figured out what was going on. So he sat looking out the window by the door and would alert me by getting all excited when he saw kids walking up the driveway. Shaq never barks, just runs around with his tail going 100 MPH.
Most of the groups were just two or three kids. One was a group of about 20. Shaq saw that we were moving to slow so he went out and greeted those at the back of the line and did a little entertaining while they waited their turn.
The best part of the evening for Shaq though was when one of the neighbor kids who knows Shaq well took him to a couple of houses with him. Shaq loved walking up and down the street with his horns on greeting everyone.
As a service to all the kids in the neighborhood he went and sniffed all the bags just to make sure there was only good stuff in them. All of them checked out. Shaq is a very protective dog, whenever anyone comes over they must be sniffed prior to gaining entrance. Just in case you have a bomb or such. Can't be to safe these days.
Well that is the Trick & Treat Shaq.
Cheers to all
Ray & Shaq
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