Dog or Frog 6/24/01

Dog or Frog
Copyright © 2001 Ray Hebert

Howdy all,

Yesterday I asked the kids that if they could not be dogs what would they want to be. At once they both said Frog!

Frog, I thought maybe Butterfly or Wolf or some other such animal. So I asked why.
Shasta said that she really liked jumping and frogs like to jump. Then she proceeded to show me how she can jump like a frog and jumped all around the house. So yes I could see that a Frog suited Shasta very well.

Shaq said that he liked to swim and Frogs lived in the water and swam all day. He said if he could he would swim all the time, it is so relaxing and fun. In the afternoon we went out to St. Edwards Park and Shaq showed me how he can swim like a Frog. So yes I could see Shaq being a Frog.

Now, I'm wondering. Are they Dogs who act like Frogs, or are they Frogs concealed as Dogs?

Ray & Shaq & Shasta
P.S. Shasta is letting me send this from her email account. Very nice of her.

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