The Majesty of Labs 6/13/00

The Majesty of Labs
Copyright © 2001 Ray Hebert

There is something about the look on a Labs face when they are concentrating. Shaq and Shasta both have it. Right now, they are sitting, sort of leaning forward looking out into the distance with their ears cocked forward and eyes constantly searching. It is one of the most majestic sites I have ever seen. And one of the prime reasons I am so fanatical about Labs.

Both Shaq and Shasta have a uniqueness about them that makes them one of a kind. Shaq is all concentration, always wanting to work. He is a learning machine, and loves to be challenged. Shasta is the caring one. She is always looking to lend a hand, and does not mind letting Shaq take the lead. Her goal is to get the job done with a minimal amount of effort. Do not misinterpret this to mean she is lazy, just thrifty with her actions. Both of their personalities blend well with each other, which is why they are a great team.

Shasta: Shasta is a medium sized chocolate Lab, she is a very affectionate and always is looking for a little attention (ok, a lot of attention). During the day I may be sitting in my chair watching TV or outside reading a book. She will come up and put her head on the chair, if I ignore her she will then put both front paws on the chair and get her face up next to mine. She is thinking that the reason that I am not petting her is because I don’t know she is there. If I gently push her off the chair, she may do it again right away, or she may decide that she needs to be a Lap Lab, in which case in one swift and graceful motion she will jump in your lap and lay down all at once. It is an amazing thing to see, much less have happen to you. She has the ability to take her 70 pounds and distribute them around such that you don’t know that there is that much weight laying on you. If Shaq did this you would be squashed. Once she is on you there is little you can do to get her off, except to give her the attention she wants after she has had her fill she will then get off.

Around 9pm every night we have a routine where Shasta will go outside to use the bathroom prior to going to bed. When I let her back in she does this excited dance where all in one motion she jumps, spins and sits. She will do this a few times, and always right in front of the biscuit box. She is so excited that you just can’t help but love her. Shaq walks into the room with a air of dignity, suggesting that yes I would like a biscuit too, but I’m not about to make a fool out of myself for it. So I grab a couple of biscuits and we do a little work. It is usually with the down command, which is always Shasta’s most challenging command. I say "Down" and they are supposed to lie down. Shaq is very good at this, but Shasta will go down for a millisecond and then pop back up. You have to say it a couple of times before she stays down. All the time Shaq is down and looking at you with his ears propped forward and a piercing glare that says "look I’m down so give me my biscuit, I can’t help it if she can’t get it straight". After they are both down they get their biscuits and go off to separate corners to eat them.

Shaq: Shaq is the quintessential working dog. He always wants to retrieve something, investigate something or just learn something new. He has an adventuresome sprit that I just plain adore. When we went out to the first long jumping contest, he was totally into figuring out how to compete. After a couple of practice jumps it was clear that he had figured out what this game was all about jumping far. Ever since then he has been striving to go further and further. His last competition he went 21’2" and I could not have been prouder.

When Shaq is on top of his game he has his ears at full attention, his eyes burn with intensity and his tail is straight up. When he is in this state you can ask him to do anything and it will get done. That is extremely exciting to watch. If I were to compare him to a human athlete I would say that he has some Michael Jordan in him (the ability to jump) a bit of Steve Prefontaine (the ability to run forever) and a bit of Mark Spitz (the ability to swim). Add to that a bit of Brian Boitono (a bit of a show off) and you have Shaq.

One of Shaq’s favorite pass times is retrieving a toy called a Kong. A Kong is a three or four layered toy with each layer looking like a donut that has each ring smaller than the one below it. (It is also hollow inside so you can put a treat in it and watch them try to get it out, lots of fun to witness) When it hits the ground you don’t know which direction it is going to shoot off in. Shaq loves this because it constantly keeps him scrambling. Every throw is different than the one before it. Sometimes it just goes straight up after it hits the ground, Shaq loves that because it allows him to sky for it. He will launch himself up in the air then contort his body to make the catch. Then land. Sometimes it is perfect four point landing, but there is the occasion where he will come down and take a digger. Regardless the Kong never leaves his mouth.

Well that is just a few reasons why I love my kids. Yes I’m bragging a bit. They are not always this perfect, just usually.

Ray & Shaq & Shasta

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