Shaq & Shasta Xmas 12/28/00

Shaq & Shasta Xmas
Copyright © 2001 Ray Hebert

Merry ShaqMas and ShastaMas to all.

I scored this year. Shaq and Shasta pulled their resources together and got us a new refrigerator. Shaq used the money he won from jumping competitions in the last year and Shasta used the money she won from the face licking competitions. I kept asking what they were going to do with their winnings, they would only say that they were saving it for something special.

I was wondering what they were doing late at night surfing the web. Everytime I went up to check on them they would quickly switch the site they were looking at. I figured they were looking at again. (check it out it is very neat and not X rated ;) Now I know they were cruising the Lowes site.

I guess I will need to do something special for them. Maybe a nice trip somewhere where they can run, jump and play in the water.

Shaq and Shasta got a couple of bones, some new toys to play with and such. Not nearly as nice as a refrigerator, but they seemed happy just the same.

We had a very relaxing Xmas weekend. On Sunday, the kids let me go out for the evening. Bob picked me up and we went to a couple of parties. They were very entertaining. When I got home they were both sleeping on the Chaise. Shasta got up and sniffed me thoroughly to make sure I was not hanging out with other dogs while away. She gets very jealous when I've been out carousing with other dogs. Not finding any other scents on me she went back to sleep.

I hope each of you did as well as I did.

Ray & Shaq & Shasta

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