Hello from Shasta 10/25/98

Hello from Shasta
Copyright © 2001 Ray Hebert

Howdy All,

My name is Shasta, Ray may have told you about me. Shaq has been teaching me how to type and is helping me to write this letter.

Well my name is Shasta, I'm a 4 year old Chocolate Lab. Up until 2 months ago I lived with the Burns family in Sioux City. They had to move far away and could not take me with them, so they helped me to find a new home. Now I live with Ray & Shaq.

Shaq is my new best friend. He is a big Black Lab, all of you know about him. He says that he writes every now and then, and Ray always seems to be writing about us. Shaq and I hang out all the time. We have a nice large yard to play in and a large house to live in. At my previous home I stayed outside most of the time, here I can come in and lounge inside if I want to or just hang out in the yard. Ray lets me sleep on the bed with him and Shaq. I really like that.

Shaq is a very large dog, he is much bigger than I am, and is a lot of fun to be around. Ray comes out and plays with us every morning and afternoon. When he does he throws toys for us. Shaq is a real retrieving machine and will get the toy everytime if not asked to let me get it. Sort of a hog in that manner. Ray will ask him to stay and throw a toy so I can get it. When I first came to live with Ray & Shaq I didn't really enjoy retrieving things, but after watching Shaq have so much fun I figured I would give it a try. And I must say I like retrieving. Especially when Ray throws a toy that bounces in all directions, Shaq says that this is a Kong. When he throws it I run as fast as I can to get it, but when it hits the ground it can go anywhere so I'm scrambling to get ahold of it. When I'm bringing it back sometimes is falls out of my mouth and the fun starts all over again.

Shaq and I love to play chase and tag. we have a large retaining wall in the back yard that splits the yard into two sections. Sometimes Shaq is it and he has to chase me, but most of the time I'm it and I have to chase Shaq. I can jump up the section of the wall that is 4 feet high, but Shaq can jump the part that is 6 feet high. When we are running around and I'm getting close he will scale the wall and get away. I get really mad and run even faster to catch him. In all it is a lot of fun.

Sometimes when we are just relaxing in the house we wrestle. This usually starts by my goading Shaq into playing. I'll come up and playfully slap his nose with my paw. He tries to ignore me, but I can usually persuade him to get up and play. We have a great time.

Another of the fun things I get to do is go hiking at Stone Park. There are nice trails and Ray lets Shaq and I off our leashes so we can run and play. I really like being able to run as fast as I can. But I always stay close enough to Ray and Shaq so I don't get lost. Every now and then Shaq and I spot a few Turkeys. We go tearing thru the trees after them, but they always get away. Sometimes there are mountain bikers out on the trail. I always get out of the way so that they can go by.

For much of the last month Ray has been traveling. He is in town for a week then on the road for a week. When he is out on the road Shaq and I stay at Lone Willow Kennels. They let us stay in the same kennel. I like that a lot because it is easier to pass the time with Shaq around then by myself. When Ray comes back he always brings us out hiking at the park prior to going home. Helps us to stretch our legs out and relax.
As soon as we are home Ray gives us a bath to clean us off. Shaq and I really like getting wet. When he is done we go off and run around the yard and roll in the grass to dry off.

Well it is getting late and Ray says he needs to do some work. Something about a presentation he has to give next week. A likely excuse, I bet he wants to surf the web.

Well got to go.

Take care

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