Limpy Shaq 1/10/96

Limpy Shaq
Copyright © 2001 Ray Hebert

Yesterday Shaq got a little athletic injury. We were running at lunch as we often do. He was cruising along. More like pulling me along. He loves to run. We were doing an out and back 5K run (3.1 miles for you non metric types) When he started to limp.

Now this happened at the turn around. So we were the farthest from the house. We stopped and I took a look at his front left leg. Nothing in the paw. So I started to walk and he took a few steps and set down. Now this is unusual for Shaq. Normally he will walk off an injury, but not today. So I picked him up and put him around my neck. At first he squirmed when I was lifting him up, but once he realized what was up he relaxed.

Carrying Shaq is easy. He generally relaxes and lays there and licks your face every now and then to show his appreciation. What a guy. Frenched me a couple times on this walk though, which was not pleasant. If you have ever been frenched by a dog you know what I mean. So I started walking home with 75 pounds of dog on my neck and shoulders. I have carried him like this for short periods, but never for a mile and a half. But love him to death so off we went. Me and a black dog around my shoulders like an scarf.

Cars went by and slowed down to take a look, Ella (lovely older lady) thought my wrap was very handsome. Shaq was having a great time. By the time we got home I was wiped out. I let Shaq down and he ran around the house, slight limp though. If he hadn’t limped I would have beat him. Gave him an aspirin and put him in his kennel to rest for the rest of the day.

So now he is going to take it easy for a few days, no rough housing, no tug of war, no chasing a ball. Already he is bummed and not sure what is up. We walk around the house and practice obedience things, but he want to play. I think I better watch myself tonight when I sleep, he could seek spontaneous playtime by tormenting me until I chase him around the house.

Ray & Shaq

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