Shaq’s Thanksgiving 11/27/95

Shaq’s Thanksgiving
Copyright © 2001 Ray Hebert

Shaq's Thanksgiving

Shaq and I got invited to Toledo Bend Louisiana for turkey day by Norma Marsh. Norma is a very good friend and has two Rotweilers , Bear and Bayle. They are both very nice dogs. Normas folks have a Rat Terrier named Major.

Shaq and I drove in, took 5 hours. The whole way Shaq was up and looking out the window and having a very good time. When we arrived he got out and was immediately inundated by these dogs.

They played and played every day from before sunup to after sunset. The two Rotweilers tag teamed on Shaq. One would chase him until tired then the other would jump in. Shaq loved it. When they would both stop he would go over and antagonize them until one played with him.

We went out on Norma and Craig's boat. Shaq swam and swam. Loved every minute of it. It was the one place where he was in his element. A stick would be thrown, all the dogs would bound in the water, but Shaq was always the first to the stick. Not always the first out of the water with it as Bear and Bayle would usually steal it. But he loved

We left on Sunday at 10:30. Shaq had to be carried into the car. He was to tired to jump in. Then he just passed out. He slept the whole way home. Upon arriving he poured himself out of the car and went to the bed room. He tried to jump up on the bed, but couldn't. I had to lift him up, no small feat as he now weighs about 65 pounds. I brought
him a treat, he mustered the last of his energy to eat it, then went to sleep.

I had to wake my self up in the morning. This is very unusual, as Shaq always gets me up. He was still laying in the same spot he passed out the night before. I woke him up and he snapped at me. I got him up and brought him outside to do his thing. He started feeling better and ate a bit of breakfast. By the time I came home for lunch he was in fine shape and was raring to go.

That was Shaq's first Thanksgiving.

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